Matt Levy

Matthew Levy, born in Johannesburg, South Africa and currently living in Cape Town, South Africa.

I am an IT pro with years of experience in the financial services industry. Right now, I am a Solutions Architect for NBConsult.

I have experience in mostly Microsoft enterprise technologies, but like any sysadmin, have a good understanding of multiple vendor and OEM technologies, not to mention cloud based Software as a service and particularly IT Admin services.

Started my IT career in 1999, preparing thousands of IBM OS/2 machines for “Y2K” or the “Millennium Bug” by replacing them with Microsoft Window NT 4 Workstation. 

Screenshot of Windows NT 4.0, where my IT career began

This is where I started, and I have followed the Microsoft Active Directory and Server trajectory to where it is now, in the cloud and On-premises.I specialised in Messaging and so have an affinity to Microsoft Exchange, but at the same time to Device management and data leakage protection.

Perhaps the stickers on my Laptop cover will speak to the person I am, or at least I like to think they do:

Stickers! Note how I try to create symmetry, and the things I have an emotional connection to

In my work, I do Active Directory architectures, Exchange upgrades, migrations and hybrids, Intune device management and application management, PowerShell automation, SharePoint site administration, Microsoft Flows and PowerApps, even Azure DevOps and VS Code integration.

Outside of work, I love fitness and Gymnastics – I represented South Africa multiple times in Aerobic Gymnastics and took part in the 2009 World Games in Kaohsiung, Taipei.

Me in my South African kit, standing in front of the main World Games Stadium. What a dream come true.

Now, however, I enjoy trail running and hiking up the mountains. The best trails and hikes are right here where I live in Cape Town.

My favourite view of the sun rising over Cape Town from Lions Head